These manuals are Adobe PDFs (mostly) of Apple's "Service Source" documents, which were historically distributed only to Apple-authorized repair shops. They offer step-by-step Mac repair information for do-it-yourself technicians who want to repair old Apple Macintosh computers. These documents also include Apple technical specifications, memory configuration information, and more. With a few common tools, these repair manuals are what you need to become your own Macintosh Repair Technician for classic Macs (pre-Intel.)
HOW TO USE THIS PAGE: The links on the left jump down on this page to specific sections. Sometimes the filename of the manual you want starts with, say, "Power Macintosh" -- other times, "PMac" -- other times, "PowerMac" -- sometimes with dots or underscores or dashes between words, etc. You get the idea. If you don't see what you're looking for, try a "find" (cmd-f or ctrl-f, usually) and search the text of the page for your machine's model number, or part of the name. The categories are the best I could come up with. Some things may appear in only one category but really belong in two -- for example, the combo manuals that cover some model of Mac and also a Performa based on the same internal hardware. So if you have a Performa, you'll have to pick through these a bit.
SEARCH FEATURE -- Just typepart of the model name into the Google box on the left, the PDF contents are (mostly?) indexed. In several cases, you can then use the "View as HTML" link and quickly search the page for what you need, then decide whether to download the whole PDF. A nice option for low-bandwidth users. Thanks, Google!